Voting Overview

This article will provide important updates and dates specific to Voting for the Community Vault collections

# Voting Next Steps

This article provides important updates and dates specific to Voting for the Community Vault collections.

There will be three winning collections. Each of these collections will be swept with BNB raised from the original mint of PixelSweeper.

First Place will get a $25,000 Sweep

Second Place will get a $15,000 Sweep

Third Place will get a $10,000 Sweep

# Voting Power Time Bonus

Every Sweeper that you have staked will contribute to your voting power. There is no minimum, you can vote with as little as one Sweeper, as long you have it staked before the snapshot.

The Time Bonus that is used to calculate your chances of winning the Staker Pot draw, is the same for voting.

In order to ensure you get full voting power, you will need to have your Sweepers staked by 14:00 UTC on Monday May 30. The longer you leave it before the snapshot, the less voting power you will end up with.

The voting power snapshot will be taken at 13:50 UTC on Friday June 3rd.

# Voting

Voting for Community Vault Collections will open up on Monday June 6th at 14:00 UTC, and will close on Thursday June 9th.

Whichever collection is the 1st place winner in the vote, will have its floor swept prior to our Player and Staker Pot drawings the following day on Friday June 10th. This means we’ll be able to give away NFTs from the swept collection through our Bonus Draws, as early as Friday June 10th.

# Nominated Collections

Here’s a look at all of the Community Vault NFT Collections that have been nominated:

Cross Bosses



Doodle Apes BSC

Lil Bulls


Trippy Trunkz Ivory Club

Baked Potatoes

The Living Dead


Pancake Bunnies






Sluggish Sloths


The Moon Walkers Club




Neural Pepe

We will confirm which Pancake Bunnies collections are eligible before the vote begins.

Thank you for your nominations.